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Feb 24, 2005
A1000blog linking around
Yesterday I got another mail from a A1000-related Web site developer. I think he is the third visitor giving me friendly feedback and asks if I could link to his site.
Originally I put the list of forums and sites on my blog roll for my own convenience. That is, I used the list as a kind of favourite list (spelling as a courtesy to the many UK visitors :-). In the beginning that meant about three sites which was OK for me. Now the list is expanding and I have no intention to build a full-service-A1000 site (others do that better).
In addition I´ve noticed that I spend less and less time reading/participating in the forums. One reasons is that I´m quite busy working (with other things), another is probably that I don´t have the same need as I originally did.
I´ll probably clean up the list later on, but for the moment it´s there and may expand as well as shrink...
12:16 PM in General | Permalink
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