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Feb 26, 2005

Podcatching not for Symbian?

Yesterday and today I have looked for messages containing "podcast", "podcasting", "podcatch", or "podcatching" in the A1000 forums at UK-Net.org, 3G Forum, Aussie3G as well as the sites A1000 users and Allaboutsymbian (including their forums). In addition I've checked My-symbian and Handango for any apps. Sadly enough podxing has not yet got to the Symbian and/or A1000 users attention.

The only noteworthy thing I found was at AllAboutSymbian who announced on February 14th that they podcast as a supplement to their established forms of communication.

08:44 PM in Podcasting | Permalink


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Our second Podcast just went up, at http://www,thepodcastnetwork.com/mobiles/ form teh team ehind AAS

Posted by: Ewan | Mar 6, 2005 10:21:00 AM

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