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Mar 19, 2005

It takes three to thrive

Whenever 3 (the operator) figures in main stream media they claim that their initial troubles with the 3G network is over and that it is running smoothly. From my (and many other's) point of view that is far from the truth. For us a running network means being mobile and stay connected.

One, of course not all problems are related to the operator. Second, you need a terminal (in my case the A1000) and an operating system (here Symbian UIQ). I truly believe that that link in the chain is not perfect either. Third, the applications tend to have bugs as well. All three parts are rather complex systems by themselfes. Together the complexity increases by magnitude.

So, they way I look it is that whenever all three parts work smoothly together it is close to a miracle. And quite often that is what I experience. Then, on other occations one or more of the links fail - which is annoying. But generally, it is getting better and I do not regret stepping up to 3G and the A1000.

01:50 PM in General | Permalink


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