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Apr 02, 2005
Updated the Desktop Suite
I purchased a PC-card to my laptop that handles USB 2 (as well as Firewire) because my laptop only did USB 1.0. But my Motorola was not recognized so I decided to update the Motorola Desktop Suite (MDS). It is available as a zip-file from the Motocoder web site. First I unininstalled the version that I had, then installed the new. The new version made my A1000 recognized. In addition I got a handy little shortcut icon for direct access to the C and D drives on the A1000.
But, as forum participants have pointed out, there was not any speed improvement for transferring files, e.g. MP3's. So I am stilled forced to do it the Transflash way. The really annoying thing, though, is what happened when I synched the next time. Becuase I checked the log (which I normally do not do) I found that a deleted calendar item (on the PC) was added from the entry left on the A1000. Furthermore, about six or seven contacts (of about 400) were duplicated.
I read somewhere that Microsoft and Symbian recently made an agreement about exchanging synching secrets - maybe that will make the MDS more useful.
11:44 PM in Annoyed, Synch | Permalink
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I am experiencing problems using the Motorola Desktop Suite. Visited this site on my googling for a solution. Please visit http://motorolaa1000.blogspot.com to give a shot at my problem.
Posted by: Jesper Wermuth | May 15, 2005 2:32:24 PM
Could anyone help me obtain the A1000 Desktop suite file. I have tried to download it from Motodev but not available anymore... I have searched the net too...
Posted by: michael | May 12, 2006 4:54:11 PM
to get the dts url : http://trix2.cellmania.com/downloads/downloads/files/MDS_A1000.zip
Posted by: bevan | Jul 26, 2006 10:31:00 PM
i,m desperatly trying to find some way in which to download the motorola desktop suite to my computer as my disk is damaged and cant use it ayone got any ideas were i might be able to download it???
Posted by: wendy | Dec 26, 2006 12:06:21 PM
it doesnt like dual core cpus, it gives me an error and the installation closes
Posted by: michael | Feb 3, 2007 12:39:45 PM
Michael, I am running a dual core, and DTS works fine (Dell XPS M1210). Could it perhaps be some anti-virus software?
Posted by: Richard Gatarski | Feb 3, 2007 5:27:46 PM
i have Moto A1000.
i want to share a problem which i am facing now a days.
Actually last time i was trying to transfer a file via bluetooth from my PC to A1000.
Size of the file was 30MB,unfortunately mobile was hanged and i restarted.
Now yesterday i applied Master Reset/Master Clear. but still my Bluetooth send any thing but not receving any thing from any mobile or PC via bluetooth.
Can anyone please help me out or suggest me what should i do?
Waiting for your suggestions...
Posted by: Waseem | Apr 3, 2008 2:01:06 AM
i am trying to connect to moto A1000 desktop suite via bluetooth but my set is not connecting...
I have'nt any data cable... What should i do?
Posted by: Waseem | Apr 3, 2008 4:04:48 AM
Hi Waseem, i'm facing the same problem like you. Please let me know if you come across with any solution for the problem.
Thanks in advance,
Balaji N
Posted by: Balaji | Nov 2, 2008 8:35:38 PM
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