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Jun 28, 2005

3 Sweden upgrade mess - part II

The following actually happened yesterday, but I was too tired to blog about it before I hit the bed. By the way, the firmware I have now is:
Version: REL_51.86.13
Baseband: A1000_U_34.15.08P
Flex: USA1000H3GSER341005
AP Config: SE5058AE8W8_108

The first thing I did when I came home was to installe the upgraded version of Motorola Desktop Suite (MDS). I asked the staff in the 3 store about an MDS upgrade as they did not think of that. Upon my request a got a CD with "software customized to my new firmware".

Then I restored my backup. Two major issues here. First, the restoration reported around 15-20 failures to restore tit-and-tat. Second, the screen calibration was replaced by the backup settings. The latter meant that I for a while thought that the A1000 had freezed (nothing happened when I clicked the screen because the clicks did not hit their targets). I will not bother you with all the details and hours I spent, but in sum here is my current situation.

I have done a new master reset (security code is 000000 if you did not know that, I did'nt) and changed back to English. When doing so only two failures was reported in the re-restoration.

Two of my mods are not there anymore. The Startseite fix (changed home screen) seems not to work under the new firmware. Worse, Motorola's/3's f-ing/annoying/noicy bootup/down movies are back. I tried a lot to get rid of them because I find the extremely irritating. While I was at it I tried to changed the browser .ini file (as tipped by machman), but any changes I do are overwritten when I start the browser. 3 forces me to their portal because they want to - power!

After restoration all contacts and calendar items were back, although I got nine contact duplications on the first sync (have around 500 contats in Outlook). The ringtones were also restored, but not assigned properly.

A quick test also indicates that the phone is again locked to 3, but the quy who unlocked it promised a new unlock in case I upgraded the firmware. I will make an entry when I have tried that.

But the message accounts, Tracker and all other apps I had installed are back, including their settings. Actually, I did not belive that the restoration took care of that, but it did. At last - a good thing.

To conclude, a lot of work - and I'm not sure it was worth it. Jan Jendeby, Mr "customer relations boss" at 3 Sweden might find it informative to know that I will be thinking about him every time I shut down or start my A1000. At least until I get rid of those f-ing noicy sounds and animations. That is my current relation with him and 3 Sweden.

10:40 AM in Annoyed | Permalink


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At least you got the upgrade done within hours. I brought mine to the three store in örebro a month or so a go and it tokk two weeks. And now it turns out I still have the 51.14 version. I wonder which three stores can fix the upgrade while waiting. Don't want to be without my A1000 for two more weeks.....

Posted by: Johan | Jul 2, 2005 4:32:29 PM

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