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Jun 28, 2005
3G is underground in Stockholm
Last week the Stockholm local transportation (SL) announced that they in cooperation with Hi3G Access, Vodafone, and Svenska UMTS nät AB had installed cabling to enable 3G in the T-bana (underground/subway). A lot of main stream media reported that Vodafone had done this (probably informed by their PR-department and few journalists bothered to look any further than that). In any case I did try to call/stream/surf underground couple of times, but never got working.
But yesterday, on my way home after the upgrade mess, I found that it worked much better than before. Can't tell if that was because of my upgraded firmware in the A1000, or network improvements after the weekend. The access was not without flaws, but much better than before. I started downloading a video stream as I entered the Hötorget station. When the train arrived, the music stopped but continued after I relaoded. Then it worked for about 18 minutes until I arrived at Telefonplan. The streamed just went on and off. But, after I reloaded the stream it just flowed on until I arrived at Fruängen,
10:06 AM in Network quality | Permalink
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