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Aug 03, 2005

Now moving protected files

Thanks to "Johan" (who told me through a comment) I am now able to backup and move stuff that the provider(s) has protected from such actions. I want to do that for two reasons. First, the internal memory of the A1000 is quickly eaten up by downloaded music and video. Second, whenever the phone is reflashed everyting stored in it vanishes.

Many months ago I purchased Stacker from SymbianWare (although they don't list it on their web site anymore). Following Johan's advice I use Stacker to compress the files in the downloads folder on the C-drive; move the compressed file to the D-drive; decompress it - and viola! True, it is a a lot of work and takes time. But it is worth it for files that I really want. Interestingly enough the decompressed files can be moved from their new folder without the need to compress-recompress.

Unfortunately it took a month before I had the time to try this out. Meanwhile the fifth episode of R Kelly's "Trapped in the closet" disappeared from 3 Swedens musik portal. Makes it sort of useless to have the first four ones, which I do now.

10:50 PM in SW: Utilities, Tips | Permalink


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