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Mar 29, 2006

Pod2Mob promising danger

I learned yesterday from Adam Curry's Daily Source Code (DSC #361) about Pod2Mob. As it seems Pod2Mob streams podcasts to any cell phone (US providers only) that have downloaded and installed the Pod2Mob. In other words, you have to listen live. In any case it just illustrates how podcasting is embraced by the mobile phone world.

(Whereas it is free for the listerners, the business model is based on advertising. And here comes Adam's point. Pod2Mob illegaly advertises on (or right before) the podcasting episodes. That really upset him. My guess is not only becuase its both illegal and quite unfair, but also since it is a direct competitor of the Podshow Network (which when it is officially released will insert ads after the explicit consent from member podcasters).

My initial reaction was that Pod2Mob does a bad thing with their ad insertion, but their technology idea is really interesting. Then I started to think about when does the advertising context end and when does the content start. Similar thoughts are frequent in the DSC:s comments (also on Currys blog). Have to consider this more...

12:14 PM in Podcasting | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack



This morning I am giving a presentation for SACO (www.saco.se). Nice people, mostly communication professionals from the member union organizations.

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